Spam Assassin doesn't work properly for you

Files marked SPAM are in your inbox or regular files are in your junkmail.

I had the above problems even with Jespers install of Spam Assassin and couldn't understand what I was doing wrong. However on a re-install I noticed a couple items that could be the difference.

1)  in server manager | Security  User Panel Access Global setting I noticed both user panel-procmail and user . The .org one is simpler but I suggest turning on the more complicated one. ( This may not be there if you did a upgrade from 5.6 and in that case just make sure you do not search on the left bracket [.

2)  Then set up each user by going to https://yourdomain/user-panel your domain to be replaced by your domain or ip number and it has to be with https.

3)  Previously I had searched on [SPAM and told this to go to junkmail folder but with this user panel I was told this was illegal and so had to enter only SPAM. Previously I had not got the warning of this being illegal so was including the left bracket [ .

4)  Of course SPAM assassin must be turned on in https://yourdomain/server-manager and set to your desired tolerance level and the word SPAM must be added to your message subject for it to filter on the word


I also highly recommend using the Spam Blocking Howto and Virus and file blocking HOWTo as this will eliminate 80% of Spam using Spamhaus list and virtually all email viruses so Clam.av has next to nothing to do.


Ken Graham